Goals are just dreams with a deadline

Cyril Peupion
4 min readApr 6, 2023


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Many years ago, I did a simple but powerful exercise and decided to I put my dreams down on paper. I imagined what my life would look like in five to ten years. Life was great. What did it look like?

As I am writing this today, I am wondering if some of you might think this is not that important or a little bit far-fetched.


Why would we be so readily to do this for our business life, yet more hesitant to do this for our personal life?

In this video, I want to share one simple piece of advice that can really make a difference long term for your life.

I work with many leaders around the world. I take leadership teams through a three-month journey challenging and changing their work habits. During the last workshop, called ‘Amplify Your Life’, I ask them to consider how important these habits are for their personal lives. The surprising thing is that most leaders spend a lot of time and effort on their business strategy but hardly any time on their personal goals.

Brian Tracy, a personal productivity guru, wrote in his book ‘Eat That Frog’ that only 3% of people take the time to write down their goals, which is a very small percentage of the population,

In the last workshop I ask everyone to take six minutes to write down their dreams and goals for their personal lives. I ask them to imagine their life in 5 to 10 years. I suggest they make a list of all their dreams and goals, from crazy things to pragmatic ideas.

6 minutes…

Most of them at the start think it’s not possible. They believe they’d need 2 hours or even 2 days to think about it. This might be the case but what I’m suggesting is doing a first draft, to get started.

Last week I did this workshop with a group of leaders from a large international company. I was very touched at the end to get a message from Kamila, one of the participants. Her feedback ‘phenomenal’.

I did this exercise more than 20 years ago and it had a profound impact on my life. So, my question for you is this: Is it worth spending six minutes to ask yourself what you want to achieve long term for your life and writing it down?

This is this week’s Work Smarter: Live Better tip.

I hope you find it helpful.

A bientôt,

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you be in control

1. Grab a free copy of my weekly plan
It is a simple tool but very important process to spend 2hrs more per day on your business and personal priorities.


2. Check my video blogs
For my clients, I record regular tips to keep the momentum on challenging their work habits. I have now made the previous video blogs available to all.


3. Get a copy of my book, Work Smarter: Live Better
Pushed by my clients, I wrote a book about practical ways to transform your life by changing your work habits.


4. Work with me and my team privately
If you are feeling swamped: by emails, by meetings, by things to do and you’d like me and my team to work directly with you … just send me an email and tell me a little about your team and business, and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll personally be in touch!




Cyril Peupion

Cyril is the author of ‘Work Smarter: Live Better’, in the top 10 business books in Australia