Life is a juggling act

Cyril Peupion
2 min readJun 1, 2021

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Bonjour. In this video, I want to share one simple prioritization tip.

I often hear my clients talking about the number of things they are supposed to manage every day. Many of them mention how they are struggling to juggle so many balls: answering emails, helping clients, responding to their manager, helping some of their team members, not to mention all the personal things they also must do.

They are constantly juggling and admit that they are often dropping a few balls.

I like this analogy but would like to change it slightly: all balls are not equal. Some of your balls are bouncy balls. However, some balls are more like eggs.

If you think at a high level most of us are juggling work and relationships e.g., with your partner, kids, health, friends, finance etc. We could say as an example that your job could be considered as a bouncy ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back, and you are likely to find another one. But if you drop your relationship with your partner or your health, they might be more like eggs, and are more fragile. The impact long term could be much bigger.

Behind this very simple analogy is a very important principle that I have already mentioned many times in my video blogs: prioritize by impact. What is the impact long term of dropping a bouncy ball versus dropping an egg?

This is this week’s Work Smarter: Live Better video. We are all juggling many balls in the air, but not all balls are equal.

Have a lovely day.

A bientôt,


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you be in control

1. Grab a free copy of my weekly plan
It is a simple tool but very important process to spend 2hrs more per day on your business and personal priorities.

2. Check my video blogs
For my clients, I record regular tips to keep the momentum on challenging their work habits. I have now made the previous video blogs available to all.

3. Get a copy of my book, Work Smarter: Live Better
Pushed by my clients, I wrote a book about practical ways to transform your life by changing your work habits.

4. Work with me and my team privately
If you are feeling swamped: by emails, by meetings, by things to do and you’d like me and my team to work directly with you … just send me an email and tell me a little about your team and business, and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll personally be in touch!




Cyril Peupion

Cyril is the author of ‘Work Smarter: Live Better’, in the top 10 business books in Australia